Saturday, February 20, 2010

Map of Flesh

Where has it been?
It was mother’s and father’s perfect
And then—

What does it show?
An encasing color
Without me—

Where does it go?
Underneath and then

Should I love it before?
What part?
The clean or the rot?

All of it?
But it is treacherous.
It is treacherous skin.

And it is mine.
Must I follow?

Jewel Skin

Buzzards above
the dead diamond

luscious white
delicious fight
living on Death

Saturday, February 13, 2010

When I

When I am only crust
Only bread for Death
Almost dust—

Why would the world want me?
Why would I wait?

A long, last look—
Will I at least be able to take my soul?

Where will I go?
And what I loved
And what I was

Friday, February 12, 2010

Depend on Others

Depend on others--for disappointment.