Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Poetry Priority

What is business to Poetry?

It is bitter metal to Sweet Earth.
sickly fluorescence to Blazing Sun.

business? business?! That's what you do in the bathroom;
it should take, like, two minutes.

Poetry is the soul speaking!
Poetry is the blood breathing!

And you let business, business, take priority.

Then you have no Business with Poetry.

Orange Acid

Lust is feeling like Orange juice
viscous acid Throat
sticky with Thirst

the rind of Lips
open to the jewel Tongue
and the Stomach pulp
burns the heart

Orange juice drips down the Chin
seeping into the Skin
Orange with Want
peels Eyes in surprise

We gulp you
until we’re sick

The stars have broken

The stars have broken
every wish.

Every desire distant.
Every desire dark.

each spark
seen only.
Never touched, never felt.

Imagined fire
conjured every-one
only to show that
all is blackness.

The stars have broken
every wish.

Heavy Universe

Heavy universe
Upon my soul
Heavy, heavy
It heaves
When will it leave?
Microwave me red
Radio the ground back
Make the dark matter

i am no

When will we

Without Cover

A book without cover
Known by what is Written—

not binding;
no hiding—

Ready to Be Read

No I

Ghost face

Everything Seen


Past skin



no I out

With skin, build:

the water’s will
the fire’s light

the wind’s way
the rock’s might

the air’s care
the earth’s right

the plant’s part
the sky’s height

the sun’s certainty
the plenty of the universe

with such skin
Spirit wins