Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Religious/Spiritual Metaphysical Theory

What if the urgency of belief is this: that the only way to survive death is to believe in God. To believe that we will join Him—everlasting life, outside of time and space—once we are sundered from our bodies. That we must forge a connection between our souls and God—the everlasting body—with belief. And that if we fail to do so, if we do not believe, or, rather, if we believe we will die, that there is nothing after death, then that also is where our soul will go.

Lasting Life

To believe in something as beautiful as You
Just imagining something like You exists
Is gift enough.

Am I Your temple?
Do You live in me?
Then I will not kill You!


I will give You life
Just as You give me mine.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Amusing Correspondence

I have often thought I should have lived at the height of epistolary exchanges. I flatter myself a witty correspondent (as does my recipient ;]). Evidence enclosed:

From: K. M. 
To: Cristero
Sent: Fri, December 4, 2009 9:56:20 AM
Subject: Re: So Happy

So I have been trying to prove uniform convergence in probability of my design-weighted quantiles this morning and it is giving me a headache so I would like to take a moment to find an easier probability.

On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Cristero wrote:
We had so much fun with you, guys! And we will converge again in probability of viewing Boondock Saints 2 at the design-weighted Lyric Cinema, time quantiled Sunday at 1600 hours.

From: K. M.
To: Nick C
Cc: Cristero ; A. L.
Sent: Sun, December 6, 2009 9:14:28 AM
Subject: Re: So Happy

AH. So I just called you guys. We are wondering if we should maybe postpone seeing Boondock Saints until next weekend because of the snow. Thoughts?

Ronnie, I love hearing you talk in stat-speak! So fun!!

On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Cristero wrote:
Are we not Coloradoans?! Are we not Iowans and Michiganders?! What is a little snow? Nothing to good company and good movies (and maybe dinner afterward?)! We will brave the inclement weather! We will defy the elements! (Unless it's super hazardous...) Our carriage is of sturdy craft and our driver of steely nerve--he will contact you forthwith.

Have no fear, friends!
The Cornerstone Saints


Constellations on my skin—
Would they guide or drown the sailors?

I do not know why they appeared,
These dark daylight stars.

An equilateral triangle
The Southern Cross—

I try to make their meaning
Without a compass, without a chart

But my skin is not the sky,
It often lies.

And these marks will sink with me
Into the brown ocean.

They are not for sailors,
No matter how I wish.

Already Broken

Rocks Break
the Already Broken.

A girl, only 13, raped by 3 Men;
a girl charged with adultery for Their Crime.

50 Men bury her up to her neck
in a Stadium of 1,000 Onlookers

a girl

Stoned To Death
By Infinite Rocks